1Q 2017 Linn Energy, Inc. Earnings Conference Call 05/11/17 | 10:00 AM CT
06/28/2017 LINN Energy Announces Increase in Share Repurchase Authorization to $200 Million
06/27/2017 LINN Energy and Citizen Energy Announce the Formation of Roan Resources, a Merge/SCOOP/STACK Pure Play Company With Approximately 140,000 Total Net Acres
06/21/2017 LINN Energy to Attend the J.P. Morgan Energy Equity Conference
06/07/2017 LINN Energy Announces Exit From California With Brea Asset Sale of $100 Million
05/11/2017 10:00 AM CT
1Q 2017 Linn Energy, Inc. Earnings Conference Call
Exchange Offer for LINE Units
Investor Relations ir@linnenergy.com (281) 840-4110
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