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Owner Faqs

If I own an interest in a LINN-operated well, how do I contact the Company to discuss payments received for production or change my personal information?

You can contact the Owner Relations hotline at (281) 840-4344 or email RevenueOwner@LINNenergy.com.

What is the difference between “interest/revenue owner” and “investor” as it relates to LINN Energy?

An “interest/revenue owner” owns an interest (e.g. royalty interest) in a LINN well and receives payments for the interest owner’s entitled share of production from that well. An “investor” is often referred to as a shareholder who has purchased publicly-traded LINN shares.

Why do I need to furnish a recorded document for a change in ownership?

In order to maintain the property chain of title in ownership and give third-party notice, ownership changes can only be made after the change has been filed of record in the applicable county clerk’s office.

When can I expect to receive my Form 1099?

The Form 1099 is mailed by Jan. 31 of each year. If you have not received your Form 1099 by Feb. 15, please contact Owner Relations at 1-(281)-840-4099 or RevenueOwner@linnenergy.com.

If I receive my checks by direct deposit, how do I obtain the revenue backup information?

Check stub detail is available through Oildex at https://connect.oildex.com/linn/ or PDS athttps://secure.pds-austin.com/linnenergy. An explanation of check stub detail is available athttps://connect.oildex.com/linn/. Select “How to Read Your Check Stub” for an item-by-item explanation.

How long will it take to receive my revenue check after a transfer has been processed?

From the date of receipt of the notification of a change in ownership, accompanied by required documentation, it can take 30-45 days to complete the process.