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Ownership Changes

All requests for ownership changes and supporting documentation must be submitted in writing to the appropriate address indicated below.

Listed in the left column of the table below are common situations affecting changes in ownership. The right column indicates documents that must be provided in order for the change to go in effect. Please note that there may be some differences in document requirements based upon laws or regulations in different legal jurisdictions.


A copy of the document, filed of record in the county/parish in which the property is located, conveying the interest to the new owner.
A copy of the complete Divorce Decree including Settlement Agreement and a copy of the document, filed of record in the county/parish in which the property is located, conveying the interest to the new owner.
A copy of the Death Certificate, Order Admitting Will to Probate, Letters Testamentary, Last Will and Testament of Decedent, evidence that debts and taxes have been paid, and Final Decree of Distribution or Judgment of Possession.
A copy of the Death Certificate, Order Admitting Will to Probate, Letters Testamentary, Last Will and Testament of Decedent, evidence that debts and taxes have been paid and Final Decree of Distribution or Judgment of Possession, documentation of ancillary probate proceedings opened in all affected states, or if ancillary probate proceedings will not be conducted, a copy of an Affidavit of Heirship recorded in the county or counties of the state in which the property is located.
A copy of the Plan of Reorganization or the Order Confirming the Plan of Reorganization.
A copy of the recorded conveyance or Order Naming Trustee of Bankruptcy Estate.

Fax or email a copy of the document(s) to the appropriate location listed below.

California, Colorado, Michigan, North Dakota, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Kansas, Texas*

Except for counties noted at right

Linn Operating, Inc.
Attn: Division Orders
600 Travis, Suite 1400
Houston, TX 77002
Fax: 1-(281)-657-8272
Email: DO-Houston@linnenergy.com

Louisiana, Oklahoma, and East Texas

*Cass, Cherokee, Freestone, Harrison, Henderson, Limestone, Marion, Navarro, Polk, Smith, Trinity and Upshur

Linn Operating, Inc.
Attn: Division Orders
14701 Hertz Quail Springs Parkway
Oklahoma City, OK 73134
Phone: (405)-241-2355
Fax: (405)-241-2395
Email: revenueownerokc