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Corporate Responsibility

LINN Energy, Inc. (“LINN” or the “Company”) is a responsible operator committed to developing oil and natural gas resources in a manner that protects our employees, contractors, communities and environment. Corporate responsibility is our way of integrating our Values into our business with a focus on people, communities and the environment. Corporate responsibility takes into account the current and long-term interests and perspectives of stakeholders, including investors, employees, communities, business partners, regulators and nongovernmental organizations.

Corporate responsibility is not a new concept at LINN. Many of the programs and practices addressing important topics related to people, communities and the environment have been underway since the company was created. This website provides a way to share our current programs and practices with our stakeholders and other interested parties.

For more information on LINN’s product safety information, please visit our SDS page.

For more information about our Corporate Responsibility program, please email corporateresponsibility@linnenergy.com.